Statement on Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade

We offer our condolences to the family, friends, and loved ones of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade, as well as to the countless people impacted by their work.

Their deaths have brought suicide into the public conversation. It’s crucial that this conversation remain focused on prevention and support for those in pain. We all can play critical role in preventing suicide. Crisis Text Line provides in-the-moment intervention for people in crisis, and we harness the power of our data to improve global prevention efforts. During times like these, we see a 20-30% increase in volume.

If you’re worried about a loved one who may be thinking about suicide, the best thing you can do is ask them directly. Our data from over 70 million crisis messages shows that asking, “Are you thinking of killing yourself?” is not harmful or suggestive. Asking directly is the most effective way to establish risk. It demonstrates to the person that you take their feelings seriously.

It’s normal to be afraid to talk frankly about suicide, but starting the conversation can save a life. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Empathetic listening and showing someone that they’re not alone are more powerful than you may think.
  2. Be sure to get the support you need for yourself while helping a friend in crisis, whether it’s from a loved one or a service like Crisis Text Line.
  3. Most individuals who attempt or die by suicide exhibit warning signs to those around them, in what they say, what they do, and how they feel. Learn the warning signs and risk factors for suicide on our website.

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