We’ve processed 100 million messages from people in crisis. Here’s what we’ve learned.
I Was Stuck in a Rut. Becoming a Crisis Counselor Gave Me a New Spark.
What could I, a veteran clinician, learn from becoming a crisis counselor at a new non-profit staffed by much younger professionals.
5 Things Crisis Text Line Learned By Going Global
Celebrating success and failure is a big deal for us. Here are five things we learned as in 2018 that we hope can inspire empathy and innovation.
Saving Lives Before You Sleep
We asked our Crisis Counselors (CCs) who take conversations at night what makes nighttime shifts so special. Here are just a few of their responses.
Notes from Nancy: On Our Founders
Founders are permanent. A culture is shaped by its founders, forever.
How Crisis Text Line Helps Those In Crisis
At the core of our mission is empowerment: helping a person in crisis feel like they’re capable of taking the next step to address their issues.
Detecting Crisis: An AI Solution
Meet AVA: our machine learning algorithm that identifies 86% of people at severe imminent risk for suicide in their first conversations.