Spotlighting 3 Inspirational Quotes and Honoring Our Volunteers in Observance of Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month celebrates the achievements and resilience of women throughout history. Women’s experiences with mental health are not uniform and intersect with other aspects of identity such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, and socioeconomic status. Empowering quotes and advocacy efforts play a crucial role in promoting mental health awareness, challenging stigma, and advocating for female mental health policies and services. 

We are celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting one of our volunteer Changemakers–Dr. Sujana Reddy. Changemakers are active Crisis Text Line volunteers who take initiative within their community by consistently supporting our texters and passionately advocating for mental health to make the world a better place each day. Changemakers inspire us by making a positive impact, providing assistance, and supporting those in need. 

  1. How did you first hear about Crisis Text Line?
    I graduated from college in 2016 and took a gap year before going into medical school. During my gap year, I wanted to volunteer to help those who struggled with suicide and other mental health disorders. I did a quick Google search and discovered Crisis Text Line, which at the time, was still new and evolving. I immediately loved their core concept of connecting with empathy. Also, I appreciated the fact that I could help people anywhere in the US as long as I had a working computer and WIFI. I joined Crisis Text Line the summer of 2016 and am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community! Shout out to training Cohort 21, Team Figs!
  2. Why did you decide to volunteer with Crisis Text Line?
    I decided to volunteer for Crisis Text Line because I have lost friends to suicide and know physicians that died by suicide. I wanted to learn the skills that are needed to help someone in their moment of uncertainty. Becoming a Crisis Counselor has made me a more grounded individual and a better physician because I know the art of communication through active listening. Being a Crisis Counselor is powerful and fulfilling because you get to serve, love, and bond with people right where they are in life, in the present moment, as they navigate one the hardest moments of their life. Empathy is a core value I strive to live by every single day. As a Crisis Counselor for Crisis Text Line, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with thousands of people in their moments of uncertainty and it has allowed me to make a small difference in their lives. It has been the most rewarding experience of my life and an honor to guide those out of the darkness into the light. Changing the world starts with small acts of kindness.
  3. Why is Women’s History Month so important to you?
    Women’s History Month is important to me because it serves as a reminder of all the women that came before me who took the courage and conviction to pave the way for women like me to have a place in the world. Women deserve to be seen, heard, and belong. I think back to my grandma who is 95 years-old and wanted to pursue a career but wasn’t allowed to but instead was told to get married and have children. Trailblazers changed history for women because they fought against the grain and the strong ocean tide of oppression. It was not an easy feat to do but it allowed women like me, a few generations later, to live out their dreams.
  4. Besides volunteering with us, how do you impact the community around you as it pertains to Women’s History Month and mental health?
    As a physician, I get to connect with people in my community every single day with the patients I get to see. It is such a privilege and profound honor that I get to connect with them, give them some normalcy by giving treatments to help their physical health, or just listening to their story to help their emotional health. It is my belief that the body, mind, and soul are one. It is important to integrate healing to all of those levels so you can create better health. In terms of women’s health, it is something that I also advocate for because for so long women have been ignored. Their ailments and pains are undermined. I get to empower women to speak up for their well-being including their physical and emotional health as well as ignite them to pursue opportunities because women are capable of everything.
  5. Who inspires you?
    There are two people who inspire me. First is my mother, Sumana, who sacrificed many of her dreams and goals so I didn’t have to sacrifice mine. The reason I am a doctor today is because of my mom and all the love she gave me so I could live out my dreams. The second person who inspires me is Saint Mother Teresa. She was a powerful hero, self-giving, and embodied the core values of empathy, altruism and compassion. When the people of Calcutta ignored the beggars, orphans, lepers, the sick, and the poor, Saint Mother Teresa did not falter and selflessly gave her life to serve those who lacked such love and dignity. Her life work was monumental, and I strive to live the core values she instilled daily.

Do you want to support people in need and help those around you? Click here to become  one of our amazing  volunteer Crisis Counselors today. Prefer to support in other ways? Consider donating to Crisis Text Line instead – donate here.

While Women’s History Month can be a time of celebration and reflection, it can also bring up difficult emotions for many. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling during this month, please remember that you are not alone. We are here for you, 24/7. Text CONNECT to 741741 to reach a live volunteer Crisis Counselor or you can start  a web chat here.

Women’s History Month provides an opportunity to reflect on the historical factors that have influenced women’s mental health. Throughout history, women have faced discrimination, oppression, and marginalization, which can contribute to mental health issues, like anxiety and depression. Restrictions on healthcare access, including abortion, can be distressing for women and have shown to cause increased mental health challenges. These challenges, including intimate partner violence, can disproportionately impact young women and under-served communities.

It’s important that we educate ourselves during Women’s History Month, as it not only enriches our understanding of the past, but also shapes our vision for the future, empowering individuals to create a more inclusive and equitable world. Learning about the struggles and triumphs of women from diverse backgrounds can empower young girls and women to see themselves reflected in history and believe in their own potential. Education fosters self-confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging, encouraging women to pursue their aspirations and challenge societal barriers.

What is Women’s History Month and why is it celebrated in March?

Women’s History Month traces back to the efforts of the National Women’s History Project (NWHP), which was founded in 1980 by Molly Murphy MacGregor, Mary Ruthsdotter, Maria Cuevas, Paula Hammett, and Bette Morgan in the United States. Initially, they designated a week in March as National Women’s History Week, which was first celebrated in 1982, coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8th.

The recognition of women’s history expanded beyond a week to encompass the entire month of March in 1987. This expansion was supported by Congress and then-President Jimmy Carter, who issued a presidential proclamation declaring March as Women’s History Month. Since then, Women’s History Month has been officially recognized and celebrated annually in the United States.

Celebrate Women’s History Month with these quotes by inspiring women

These quotes encapsulate the resilience, strength, and determination of women throughout history and serve as inspiration during Women’s History Month and beyond.

I raise up my voice – not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard… we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.

Malala Yousafzai

When unique voices are united in a common cause, they make history.

Gloria Steinem

We will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one. There is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.

Amanda Gorman

Celebrate the progress you make on your journey everyday – during Women’s History Month and every month. Acknowledge every win, as they collectively shape the narrative of your life. Cultivate a spirit of gratitude for the lessons learned, relationships formed, and the strength gained from overcoming obstacles.

Remember – if ever need support – we are here for you. Text CONNECT to 741741 to reach a live volunteer Crisis Counselor. Or if you are interested in making a difference in someone’s life, join our volunteer community today.

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